Thanks for stopping by! It’s been an honor and a privilege to serve as your elected representative to the Governing Board of the San Mateo County Community College District for 17 years. Unfortunately I lost my bid for re-election to a 5th term on the Board on November 3, 2020, so it's time for me to say goodbye and wish my former colleagues and successors well as they lead our Community College District going forward.
The information assembled here explains who I am, what I accomplished in my 17 years on the Board, what the job entails, who my supporters were, and what my vision was for the future of our Community Colleges here in San Mateo County.
Our Community Colleges provide incredible opportunities for our students, who continually amaze me with their accomplishments. I will miss being a part of the leadership of this incredible organization. If you have any other questions or need more information, feel free to contact me.